How Drone Photography and Videography Can Be Used for Roofing Projects

For roofing projects, there are many advantages to using drone photography and videography over traditional ways of capturing images or footage. The drones usage in this case are with special 360-degree cameras. That can capture an all-encompassing shot of the roof. Making it easy to see what repairs need to be made without the hassle of climbing on top of the roof or getting in a cherry picker truck and taking pictures from a high vantage point.

Not only can this type of footage show the project in greater detail. But it also offers vantage points that are impossible to obtain with traditional methods. Here’s how you can put drone photography and videography to work on your next roofing project.

Why should you use drone photography and videography for the real estate business?

Drone photography is an incredibly useful tool for real estate businesses that can take you from a good agent to a great one! It can also help you gain an edge over other agents. Who haven’t yet caught on to how powerful drones are as a marketing strategy.

Here are just a few ways drone photography and videography can work in your favor. Drone photography/videography allows you to show off homes in detail, giving buyers a better idea of what they’re getting into.

This can be especially helpful if there are any flaws or issues with the home that need to address before purchase. Like roof damage or water damage. Drone photos and videos we can use on websites, brochures, billboards, print ads, etc. So potential buyers will know exactly what they’re getting before they even step foot inside.

5 things to consider before a roof inspection

Does your roof have any of these issues? If so, we can use drone photography and videography to showcase their severity. In some cases, you may find that damage isn’t as bad as it looks. While in others, there may be some leaks that cause serious structural damage over time. Either way, proper diagnosis is critical.

Here are five things to consider before a roof inspection.

  1. 5. Keep an eye out for water pooling or standing on top of your shingles: Pooled water on top of shingles indicates potential leaking that could create problems further down the line.
  2. Look for signs of mold or mildew growth: Mold and mildew can grow quickly in areas with high humidity levels (like bathrooms), even if they aren’t immediately visible from above.
  3. Check for loose shingles: Loose shingles indicate wear and tear on your roof, which means that need larger repairs sooner rather than later.
  4. Examine vents and chimneys closely: Are they clogged with debris? Are they securely attached to your home?
  5. Make sure the maintenance of all of your gutters: Gutters collect leaves, dirt, and other debris throughout the year; cleaning them out regularly prevents blockages that can lead to water backup.

When evaluating a roof, always start at ground level and work your way up. This process allows you to take note of anything outside of normal sightlines. Such as damaged siding or missing tiles near ground level.

Before you head up onto your roof, make sure to turn off power sources like electricity and gas (just in case). The last thing you want is for someone is unsafe conditions!

Drone Footage Types

There are two main types of drone footage: First-person view (FPV) and third-person view (TPV). FPV is a live feed from your drone’s point of view to your headset or monitor. This video is especially useful when flying manually and trying to see where you’re going.

TPV is a flyover shot that simulates a bird’s eye view or an aerial shot of your home. You can use Both views in different ways, depending on what you want to showcase about your roof.

For example, if you have a large roof area, it might be easier to capture all of it in one take using TPV rather than panning around with FPV. However, if you want to show off specific details like your solar panels or new skylight, then FPV would work better. In either case, both styles of drone photography and videography can give you great imagery to help sell your home.

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